men in Gho!

Nath and Ilya in "downtown" Thimphu:)
How handsome!
A charming family dinner with Dr Saamduu and his lovely wife:)

So Handsome!!!!


Oh yes I get a lot of “j’aime” on FB for the picture of “my” men in Gho! (not “my” men in black…right!)


It is true I really do like this outfit for men!


It looks very masculine (! yes very!), elegant and joyful and creative with all these incredible colours!


Is there a fashion designer in your midst…?


A group of men in blue jeans…t-shirt…even suits, really do look boring and so “slobby” compared to an assembly of men in Gho!


In the Kira’s I really like the skirts…the top…so, so…but the hand woven cloths are extraordinary! Soooo beautiful, real pieces of art…and the nice one’s are soooo expensive! 1000$ and more…I saw one and I am turning around it since 2 months…but really it is too expensive, I cannot buy it,…but the cloth is just so beautiful!


During Setchu (the festival) one could see MANY ladies wearing these special Kira’s of 1000$ and more…the poor (!...not so poor actually...!) tourists in their t-shirts, un-ironed shirts and jeans looked really “not elegant at all”…(sorry!) compared to the elegance and colourfulness of the buthanese public.


But you need an assistant to put on a Kira or a Gho…well at least we do need one! But we are making some progress. Specially Igor (who is a surgeon, may be that's why) getting better and better at it! 

I write this blog page mainly for my family+friends who do not have Facebook and did not see “my”men in Gho yet!

men in Gho!
Oh sorry...monkeys at Tango monastery....what are they doing on my blog? And why are they NOt wearing their Gho's?


14.04 | 09:07

Je progresse un peu en anglais et j'ai presque tout compris. Merci Lisy pour ton magnifique engagement dans cette belle réalisation qu'est TTG.

11.04 | 01:36

Looking forward to your next article beeing amongs the friends and development of TTG.THANK YOU And all the best.

08.04 | 08:20

Beautiful Lisa,- yes for sure being among the clouds gives a whole wonderful other dimension, - if we listen into it, as you did. Thank you

08.04 | 07:44

Wonderful blog entry, than k you Lisi