So Handsome!!!!
Oh yes I get a lot of “j’aime” on FB for the picture of “my” men in Gho! (not “my” men in black…right!)
It is true I really do like this outfit
for men!
It looks very masculine (! yes very!), elegant and joyful and creative with all these incredible colours!
Is there a fashion designer in your midst…?
A group of men in blue jeans…t-shirt…even
suits, really do look boring and so “slobby” compared to an assembly of men in Gho!
In the Kira’s I really like the skirts…the top…so, so…but the hand woven cloths are extraordinary! Soooo beautiful,
real pieces of art…and the nice one’s are soooo expensive! 1000$ and more…I saw one and I am turning around it since 2 months…but really it is too expensive, I cannot buy it,…but the cloth is just so beautiful!
During Setchu (the festival) one could see MANY ladies wearing these special Kira’s of 1000$ and more…the poor (!...not so poor actually...!) tourists in their t-shirts, un-ironed shirts and jeans looked really “not elegant at all”…(sorry!)
compared to the elegance and colourfulness of the buthanese public.
But you need an assistant to put on a Kira or a Gho…well at least we do need one! But we are making some progress. Specially Igor (who is a surgeon, may be that's
why) getting better and better at it!
I write this blog page mainly for my family+friends who do not have Facebook and did not see “my”men in Gho yet!