
The view from my window...
This photo was taken last week, at Lavey les bains, a thermal bath. this week I returned and we were swimming under falling snow...winter has arrived in one week! There were NO more leaves on the trees...just one week later,

Sunday morning by the lake..


Of course I miss Tho…sometimes I wonder…every moment together is so precious…so why are we not together…and yet to make it ALL work there is a certain price to pay, right? and I guess we even give a tip (just joking !)


But truly there is NO complaint…how could there be,


Coming back to Switzerland…to the west, there is something that struck me: reading the newspapers, hearing some people talk (in the train, in a restaurant lately) one could think that things are not going well at all in this part of the world,


Yes of course there is a lot of suffering, injustice and terrible struggles, oppression, even wars going on at this moment in the world, immense violence is done to nature, to animals every day, childhood and old age are in danger, etc, but this is not where these complaints came from. The feeling of unease, fear, rather comes from a feeling of things getting worse economically, that our economic system is at the brink of collapse and that we don’t know how to change our “way of life” based on economic growth, 

What else is there worth “living for”, what else will give us security, strength, what else will bring us wellbeing, joy, beauty and fulfilment…a strong motivation for work, for improvement, for innovation...what will make us “move forward” as humanity, us and the coming generations, and how can we prevent chaos, 

And yet probably the western world has never been so rich…the GDP is still rising…very little, but it is rising, for sure it is rising in Asia and Africa, South America…there have never been so many things, so many goods, “people” never have been so rich…and even though it has been rising constantly it did not bring us a lasting “feeling” of security of “having enough”…it seems to increase our fear of loosing it all?

Yet there is so much to do, to reinvent, to improve...for instance ecology is a great challenge to bring about creativity and innovation to science, to economy, to our way of life, it could help us set our priorities right, where to put our "treasure"...A crisis is an opportunity of change and I guess we have this opportunity NOW!


For sure life in Switzerland is delicious. Nature is so beautiful, and cared for, everything is so clean, well kept, all the little gardens around houses are pure delight, people here live since generations a peaceful, respectful life…shops just overflow with beautiful “things”…there so much to eat…so where does this fear come from, why does everyone (the newspapers, banks, stockmarkets) tremble and propagate fear as soon as the GDP is slightly slowing down... does our happiness really depend on this only?

Where are the visions that help us imagine a positive future not tyrannised by bank-mentality…(sorry I don’t find the right word)

May be it is me coming from Bhutan were new ideas are trying to be implemented in order to bring a wellbeing for generations to come, where new ideas are being experimented and that innovation is a daily challenge, that I feel this "pessimism" so strongly...

or may be it was the dark november days....winter arriving and not yet Christmas on the way....


I promised myself to really look and be present, here just like the last months in Bhutan/Vietnam…you remember…and yes I do try to be open and at every step I discover “a miracle”…I observed some trees that I see every day on my great train ride change from “high autumn” to winter…INCREDIBLE! There is so much to rejoice and to appreciate with every step, and for sure Switzerland is a beautiful country...


I went to an outdoor thermal bath yesterday…I wish you could have all joined…hmmmmm, swimming outside in warm water, snow falling on my face…


I came back to Switzerland in autumn, but now for sure it is winter…and soon Christmas!!!! Isn’t Christmas coming at the right time, when everything is getting so dark, life seems to withdraw from nature, seems to freeze, 

Just when it starts to become unbearable the promise of Christmas is brightening life !

 Ps some photos are mainly for tho...the one's at our daughters opening of her LOVELY new medical practice last thursday! ...ah yes there is a price to pay...he can't be here and there at the same time...oh but actually he can! As he was here with us:) in our kindest thoughts and hearts

Seen on the wall in Russia's new medical office: )


14.04 | 09:07

Je progresse un peu en anglais et j'ai presque tout compris. Merci Lisy pour ton magnifique engagement dans cette belle réalisation qu'est TTG.

11.04 | 01:36

Looking forward to your next article beeing amongs the friends and development of TTG.THANK YOU And all the best.

08.04 | 08:20

Beautiful Lisa,- yes for sure being among the clouds gives a whole wonderful other dimension, - if we listen into it, as you did. Thank you

08.04 | 07:44

Wonderful blog entry, than k you Lisi