Long time no seen

Happy teachers will change the world



Yes I have been a bit silent on my blog (not silent on FB...but my daughter and some family are not on FB...so here is for them...and you )….I have been silent not because I have: « nothing to share » but rather :« too much to share »


I don’t know where to start…


Well I was in Bhutan...remember..., then Tho, Dr Saamduu and me joined Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh in Thailand for a one week retreat »HAPPY TEACHERS WILL CHANGE THE WORLD »


How true this is! Happy teachers will change the world!


Ever since I am back in Hue, in Tinh Truc Gia, the whole Eurasia and TTG team with friends, we try to practice, and we try to BE the HAPPY TEACHERS THAT CHANGE THE WORLD


We have an ongoing team work since I arrived, on : what brings us happiness, how do I nourish my happiness, how to transform my suffering, how can I share my happiness, how to help each other,


We all know we need to start with ourselves first,

How can we bring happiness if we suffer too much, if our family suffers too much…A treacher who has a lot of worries at home has to be very careful not to "bring his/her worries in the classroom...right?


I will share with you some of the outcome of this ongoing team work :


First of all we all agreed : a meaningful work is an important ingredient for Happiness,


To do our work as good as we can, to improve in our work, to finish what we started, to take time to prepare well, to inovate, to do something for others , all this makes us happy


We said we want to be able to look back and say : we did the best we could 


14.04 | 09:07

Je progresse un peu en anglais et j'ai presque tout compris. Merci Lisy pour ton magnifique engagement dans cette belle réalisation qu'est TTG.

11.04 | 01:36

Looking forward to your next article beeing amongs the friends and development of TTG.THANK YOU And all the best.

08.04 | 08:20

Beautiful Lisa,- yes for sure being among the clouds gives a whole wonderful other dimension, - if we listen into it, as you did. Thank you

08.04 | 07:44

Wonderful blog entry, than k you Lisi