Come and play with us!

A tree becomes Ilyas throne walking up to Tango

Wherever we go...with Ilya Alexis and Sofia they find an opportunity to play!

With "precious stones" they find at Memorial Chörten, with pieces of wood that become "highspeed motorbikes" going up to Tango, at Thimphu home play play....

Childrens play is serious work and prayer for children! 

How many times do we walk around the Chörten? 3 times? no...10 times? times!!!!!

Can you walk on the wall boarding the little huts selling handicrafts? Who says one has to walk "on" the sidewalk and not on the little wall ? It is so much more fun!

We discover a "new Thiphu" through their eyes...and everywhere there are opportunities to find treasures, to invent, to create a game:)


Yesterday I stopped writing my blog just here...I simply was tooooo tired to write! With 3 grandkids at eyes close by themselves in the evening...

Leaving for Bumthang tomorrow

Sending you our love! 


Thimphu has a great playground!

Papate 25.10.2013 18:46

Une trève au pays des rêves.


14.04 | 09:07

Je progresse un peu en anglais et j'ai presque tout compris. Merci Lisy pour ton magnifique engagement dans cette belle réalisation qu'est TTG.

11.04 | 01:36

Looking forward to your next article beeing amongs the friends and development of TTG.THANK YOU And all the best.

08.04 | 08:20

Beautiful Lisa,- yes for sure being among the clouds gives a whole wonderful other dimension, - if we listen into it, as you did. Thank you

08.04 | 07:44

Wonderful blog entry, than k you Lisi