How are you my dear

Finding a small little chapel one our walk in nature yesterday We pray for you all


How are you my dear? 


Imagine, it is only a week ago that we decided to postpone our travels to VN ! 

It became more and more clear that the virus that VN had been trying to contain with drastic measures, influencing everybody s lives with immense sacrifices since 2 months, was now reappearing in the country through international travels.

We suddenly realized that it was NOT the moment to add to the anxiety and to the propagation of the virus, but we did not realize fully yet how “close to home” this situation actually already was and to what extent this crisis was developing here in the West as well…   only one week ago….


Switzerland and many countries around the world are now “on hold”…schools universities, all non essential shops and services closed. People are asked to “stay home” for those who can work from home, they are asked to work from home and yes many people worry for their livelihood, This is a time for solidarity and common care!

Quite a few friends, but many many others, are unwell now, already are sick and we really wish for their swift recovery 

 …People over 65 ( Tho and me are in this category…yes suddenly we realize we are part of the “vulnerable” population…when sending our message of support last week, we did not yet count us in this “vulnerable group” also this is a wake up call !  ) We “elders” need to isolate even more:  no caring for grandkids, not going out for shopping etc etc It is a directive from government

We need to show our solidarity by not overcharging the health system as the number of health complications rise with age…


Our daughter, son in law are doctors at Geneva hospital …they and many other health professionals and all those who care for our essential common good, on the contrary are working double hours are sacrificing their comfort, their familie’s security, to care for all of us


This is the hardest for me now, not being able to help more! We have 4 young grandkids and their parents really would need help, but we can’t help them with our “physical presence”

 Our eldest granddaughter also is a social- health worker, and so brave ! 

 What we CAN do is take good care of ourselves not to add to their worries and to support them with our LOVE 


We know that we are ONE with those we LOVE, our health, our wellbeing, our inner stability, our LOVE and kindness are also theirs

This crisis also reminds us: WE ARE ONE WITH HUMANITY, your wellbeing is our wellbeing! OUR wellbeing is YOUR wellbeing!


By taking this “retreat time” very seriously, not as a “luxury”, but our most heartfelt contribution to this crisis, and  to “be FULLY with, to support “all those who are anxious and suffer 


Allthose of us who "have to" "can" stay home lets use this precious time to develop our compassion our love !

Lets not dilapidate this precious occasion to transform in order to be there for others and to contribute to Humanities TOGETHERNESS 


This is what we “elders “can do …cultivating loving kindness, caring for others in our hearts minds, cultivating connections, friendships, sending our joy and compassion to the world


Developing Freedom of Fear out of Love 

Every time we go in nature we send our loving energy to those who cannot take this moment to refresh , please whenever you can look at the sky, the trees, the flowers,,. the face of your beloved ones, please do !

Tho's text sent one week ago
Lisi and I were supposed to fly to Vietnam today, but we decided to postpone our journey. After having a deep conversation with family and friends, it seems to be the responsible decision. 
It is not motivated by fear - the virus is not that dangerous for healthy people - but to contribute to the world-wide effort to protect the most vulnerable ones, by not contributing to spreading the virus. In this time of crisis, it is important to be aware of our motivation; fear is not the appropriate response and motivation, but global compassion and care for the vulnerable members of society is a precious motivation.
It is also an opportunity to slow down, to consume less, travel less, meditate and read more. Maybe life gives us the chance for a global retreat time, let’s take it as an opportunity for inner and global transformation.

Jacqueline tirler 21.03.2020 06:00

Les vagues de l'amitié n ont pas de frontières mais des ailes bienfaisantes.much love take care.


14.04 | 09:07

Je progresse un peu en anglais et j'ai presque tout compris. Merci Lisy pour ton magnifique engagement dans cette belle réalisation qu'est TTG.

11.04 | 01:36

Looking forward to your next article beeing amongs the friends and development of TTG.THANK YOU And all the best.

08.04 | 08:20

Beautiful Lisa,- yes for sure being among the clouds gives a whole wonderful other dimension, - if we listen into it, as you did. Thank you

08.04 | 07:44

Wonderful blog entry, than k you Lisi