My blog

Jolmolhari peak 7314M !

My blog

It is really nice for me to write my keeps me in touch with you...and it is a sort of diary..

I just found out that some people have not "discovered" that there are "sous pages" sort of "under"chapters under each page, some just with photo's some with some more stories to tell,

It is like when you open a page there might be another page under this one...well just find out if you like!

So please just like with my blog and discover!

Ps: like you open the page .: my blog, once you have opened it you can see in the page index another "under" chapter appear, like: sunny Thimpu morning!...I am just trying to explain as some of you asked me how this works:) 

OUPS; for this photo....but this is a very common house decoration here in Bhutan! It wards off evil spirits and it reminds people of Drukpa Kunley the divine madmen, who used his sexual powers to awaken people....and of course it makes me smile each time we pass by such a house decoration:)

Olivier Couté louis 22.04.2014 09:48

pouvez-vous me communiqer rapidement au possible liens de la retraite de pleine conscience á Chandolin pour incription et participation merci

olivier Couté Louis 22.04.2014 07:28

Pour retraite de pleine conscience 28 06 14 à Chandolin quels liens précis pour réservation- inscription? merci pour réponce rapide


14.04 | 09:07

Je progresse un peu en anglais et j'ai presque tout compris. Merci Lisy pour ton magnifique engagement dans cette belle réalisation qu'est TTG.

11.04 | 01:36

Looking forward to your next article beeing amongs the friends and development of TTG.THANK YOU And all the best.

08.04 | 08:20

Beautiful Lisa,- yes for sure being among the clouds gives a whole wonderful other dimension, - if we listen into it, as you did. Thank you

08.04 | 07:44

Wonderful blog entry, than k you Lisi