May I ask you to take a minute….
breathing in..... breathing out ,
being entirely present to your in and out breath…
like a soothing
massage of calm, offering yourself some moments of relaxation,
Now may I ask you : what makes you Happy ?
May be breathe again mindfully, in…out,
…in …out…
What comes to your mind ?
Tho, Dr Saamduu and I went for a week to Bumthang.
It is about 11h hours of tough driving from Thimphu. We cross 4 over
3000m high passes , we cross the most wonderful landscapes, this time in spring…endless mountains and endless winding roads, so near the sky, prayerflags everywhere on our way.
Bumthang is probably the most charming valley ever…of
course as an Austrian I would say there are as charming lovely valleys in Austria, near Zell am See, Schützing for instance, and I must say they really do look alike in their harmonious mountain beauty.
Bumthang is Guru Rimpoches
« home », his footprints, his spirit are alive in every valley, on every mountain, in every stone, in every temple and monastery. (you can read my first posts on my blog : home in Chokar Valley etc)
We went there
as the Gnh centre is building its main Centre there and there were some land and road issues to be clarified. Tho and me came to support Dr Saamduu and to understand the situation better from close experience and to feel the home of GNh centre one more time.
We again stayed in « our homestay » with the lovely and wise farmer family.
We again crossed the river on the basket and YES I made it fine this time !!!! I was not afraid ! The river was less wild and
I promised myself not to be afraid and it worked ! I must say Pema helped me, as you need quite a lot of strength !
We again walked on this sacred wonderful land, listened to the tales and myths of the place and again we were
enchanted !
We also came to celebrate Happiness Day in the little school in Chokar Valley !
What joy to meditate, dance, celebrate with all these lovely children, farmers, teachers and friends. Tho is telling
more about it all in his blog :
On Friday was a special Guru Rimpoche day in this valley and each little temple made special Puja’s for this celebration.
Tho and me joined some Pujas…and in one of these
temples I saw a little old black and white photograph of a monk…I asked who it was…I was told : Chung Tulku in his past incarnation
Do you remember my recent blog : Pedestrian day…..I told you we met by « chance »
just strolling down the street a young monk, we sympathised, asked him to perform the celebration of the inauguration of the new GNH office in Thimphu…we then found out we were neighbours in Thimphu as he is vice president of Athi Foundation…and
that he is Chung Tulku !
So here in Chokar valley his former incarnation was also the neighbour of the new GNH centre…
I hope you got the dynamic picture of how« Karma » unfolds
in our life here in Bhutan !
So what makes me happy ?
I think it is my mind…anything can unfold my happiness …even when Samsara is playing its creative, complicated games…I can "see through"
Samsara at any moment, if my mind is peaceful, loving kind, joyful compassionate and free…everything allows me to see the happines, gratefulness and beauty of Life !